I am glad to see so many young people searching for answers regarding the future of the humanity. I am coming from Romania, country member of European Union and NATO, organizations that pretend to have the solutions for all the problems. Here I am in front of you, a Romanian national studying Indian music and wearing this Afghani scarf.
The roots of the conflict in our days are economical and in some cases are to be found in the religious fanatics.
Our colleague from Iran spoke very beautifully about respecting the cultural specific of every nation in nowadays process of globalization. I would like to add a few things. And also I would like to share with you my wonderful social and spiritual experience I had here in India.The motto of this conference is “World is a family”. So, all of us have something in common. We are all different and all the same. A few weeks ago I traveled in an ICCR tour and met very interesting people, mostly from Central Asia. I don’t know what happened, but we became much close to each other and it was like 43 people from different corners of the world and, of course, different cultures had one heart. It was not only the fun, but the way we communicated and shared everything for a few days.
I can say that here in India I touched the sky with my hands. By searching my inner nature, I discovered that we, the human beings, identify ourselves with little things. There is something in this land that makes everything possible. I don’t hide that I practice Sahaja Yoga meditation and in this meditations I found answers for many questions. I realized that the human beings are much more than they think. Conserving and increasing national tradition is necessary, technological progress on the other hand is necessary also.
But our inner nature is a spiritual one, and till we won’t discover and enjoy it, the illusion of power will bring only pain and sorrow on the Earth.
We have all kind of social or ecological programs, but they function partially because, let’s be realistic, people will always try to control and dominate the others, and because some of these programs are covers for the hypocrisy of politicians and business men.
I can say that, by discovering our true nature, which is not material and no even intellectual we could achieve the peace of mind and from here is only a step to the peace of world.
The perfection exists, it can be reached and the evolution has no end. We are so beautiful and we don’t know. God bless us all!
Eu sunt Vlad, unul dintre membrii Radio Whisper, un radio anti-manele dedicat bloggerilor si nu numai.
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Multumesc,Cu stima Vlad!